We are passionate instructors here to empower students to achieve their musical goals through private music lessons as well as group music lessons.
We are passionate instructors here to empower students to achieve their musical goals through private music lessons as well as group music lessons.
Our music lessons utilize our time-tested curriculum along with our rewards programs, recitals, unique games, and dedicated teachers to get results. Build confidence through music - and have FUN while doing it!
Ages 4+
Beginner Piano Lessons, Kid Piano Lessons, Adult Piano Lessons, Group Piano Lessons
Ages 4+
Beginner Guitar Lessons, Kid Guitar Lessons, Adult Guitar Lessons, Group Guitar Lessons
Ages 4+
Beginner Drum Lessons, Kid Drum Lessons, Adult Drum Lessons, Group Drum Lessons
There is no set answer of how long it takes to learn an instrument. With regular practice a very basic level of playing can be accomplished in a few months. Most of our students take lessons on a long-term basis because they want to be constantly improving, and they find the lessons enjoyable. Book a private lesson here.
For private lessons, YES. We do require students to have their own instrument at home within a month of beginning private lessons.
For Group classes, it depends on the class. Most of our group classes are designed to not have a practice requirement.
Tap here for suggestions on where to buy an instrument locally.
Music lessons cost less than you many think! Request an info pack here.
There is no set answer of how long it takes to learn an instrument. With regular practice a very basic level of playing can be accomplished in a few months. Most of our students take lessons on a long-term basis because they want to be constantly improving, and they find the lessons enjoyable. Book a private lesson here.
For private lessons, YES. We do require students to have their own instrument at home within a month of beginning private lessons.
For Group classes, it depends on the class. Most of our group classes are designed to not have a practice requirement.
Tap here for suggestions on where to buy an instrument locally.
Music lessons cost less than you many think! Request an info pack here.
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